Classification of Insurance Business

Individuals and groups or companies have different types of assets between one another. The need to protect the assets is also different. ...

Law of Large Numbers

Insurance companies have a way of working in insurance risk management. The workings of this life insurance company is to move the impact...

Protection Against Risks

Sure you all will not think that we live in the past will be like that now. Be it in education, career, the amount of our income is or how...

How to Transfer Risk with the Life Insurance

As explained earlier in the article "Understanding Life Insurance" that the Life Insurance Policy is an agreement that guarantees...

Basic Idea How To Manage Risks In Life Insurance

As we know in human life there is a risk that we can not avoid. Absolute risk inherent in this man's life is old age, sickness, and de...

How it Works Life Insurance

In my previous article How to Manage Basic Ideas Risks In Life Insurance, has been mentioned that the risk (the possibility of loss or ...

Determinants of Number of Factors in Business Insurance Premiums

In the Life Insurance business, the risks faced by each individual (Insured Party) moved or transferred to the Party Insurer, in this ca...

Asset Sale Value

Of course we have been wondering what underlies the emergence of the concept About Life Insurance? And why do we bother to provide protectio...

Asset damage

  As I've discussed previously on assets ( Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets ) , this time I will discuss about anythi...

Most Valuable Asset - Human Life

In humans, especially in their daily work we are already trying to make ends meet. In an effort to meet the needs of this life we ​​...

The Definition of Life Insurance

Often the question arises in our minds, what the meaning or definition of the Life Insurance? Life Insurance is a legal agreement between...