Asset damage

Tuesday, September 27, 2011 0 comments

 As I've discussed previously on assets (Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets), this time I will discuss about anything that could cause damage to assets.

Assets we have, whether it Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets does not live forever. But these assets may be damaged or destroyed so it can not be used anymore because of an accident or an unintentional incident. Accidental or unintentional incident can be referred to as a disaster. This calamity can vary such as fire, natural disasters, disease, accidents, death and others.

So somehow we have fixed assets have a risk of damage and destruction caused by certain disasters. Risk here means the possibility of loss or destruction or uncertainty faced by the asset.

Then when the assets we have no eternal, how can we protect these assets? Has it occurred to us to find a way out? Does Insurance can provide answers to these questions above? Keep abreast of my next articles. I will try to explore more deeply about how to protect our assets from risk.


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