Details of travel expenses to the town of Batu, East Java - Indonesia

Tuesday, September 23, 2014 0 comments

Details of travel expenses to the town of Batu - Malang using Bus 


Batu Town is a town in the province of East Java, Indonesia. It is situated 15 km west of Malang, is on track-Kediri and Malang Malang-Jombang. Batu town directly adjacent Mojokerto and Pasuruan in the north and the Malang district in the east, south, and west. The area of town is located at an altitude of 680-1200 meters above sea level with an average air temperature of 15-19 degrees Celsius.


Since the 10th century, the Batu and the surrounding region has been known as a resting place for the royal family, because the region is a mountainous area with cool comfortable air, is also supported by the natural scenic beauty as a characteristic of mountainous regions.

At the time of the reign of King Sindok, an official ruled the Kingdom named MPU Supo King Sendok to build a resort in the mountains of the royal family who are nearby springs. With great effort, finally MPU Supo find an area that is now known as Tourism Songgoriti region.

The approval of the king, who is said MPU Supo also began to build a powerful Songgoriti as a resort area of the royal family as well as the construction of a temple named Candi Supo.

The resting place are flowing springs and cool as all the springs in the mountainous region. Cold springs are often used to wash keris auspicious as heirlooms of royal Sendok. Hence springs that are commonly used to wash objects and auspicious royal has supernatural powers (Magic) mighty terrible, ultimately springs initially cold and cool eventually turned into a source of hot water. And that too hot springs until recently a source of lasting in the region Songgoriti Tourism.
Batu City Region is located in the highlands at the foot of Mount Panderman with an altitude of 700 to 1100 meters above sea level, based on the stories of the parents as well as documents and tracked its existence, until now unknown certainty about when the name "BATU" started called to name the resort area.

Of some local leaders had ever tells Batu that designation derived from the name of the followers of Prince Diponegoro a scholar named Abu Ghonaim or referred to as Kyai Gubug Wind hereinafter call the local people familiar with the call Mbah Wastu. Of Javanese culture habits that often shorten and shorten the name calling someone who is too long, too short to be more penyebutannya and faster when calling someone, finally gradually designations are called Mbah Mbah Tu Wastu be Mbatu or Batu used as a designation for the City of Cold in East Java.

A little look back on the history of Abu Ghonaim as the embryo as well as people who are known as community leaders who started tripe and used as the inspiration of the title area of Batu, in fact Abu Ghonaim itself is derived from the Central Java. Abu Ghonaim as faithful followers of Prince Diponegoro, deliberately leaving his native region of Central Java and migrated at the foot of Mount Panderman to avoid detection and arrest of Dutch soldiers (Company)

Abu Ghonaim or Mbah Wastu who started a new life together with the existing community and to help sharing, and knowledge gained during the teaching became followers of Prince Diponegoro. Finally, many residents and the surrounding community and others came and settled to sit, to study and learn the religion to Mbah Wastu.
They began to live in groups (communities) in the area Bumiaji, Comb and finally Temas community is slowly getting bigger and more as well as being a bustling community.

Details of travel expenses to the town of Batu - Malang using Bus

- The cost of AC Bus terminal Bungurasih Surabaya to Malang Arjosari bus terminal for 1 person: 3 USD
- From Arjosari up microbus with code AL (Arjosari-Landungsari), ADL (Arjosari-Dieng-Landungsari) to Landungsari with costs: $ 0.5
- From Bus Terminal Landungsari up microbus with BL code (Stone-Landungsari), Bus Terminal to Batu costs: $ 0.5
You now have arrived in the town of Batu, Batu terminal you can walk to BNS or Java Park, or to the town square stone.
If you want to find accommodation, find the homes of residents who rent cheap, only with about 100 thousand dollars or 10 USD per night you are able to spend the night.


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