History of Insurance

Sunday, October 2, 2011 0 comments

The concept of insurance is already known from the days before BC which men at that time had saved his soul from various threats, including food shortages.
One of the stories about food shortages occurred in Ancient Egypt during the rule of King Pharaoh. One day the king had a dream which was interpreted by the Prophet Joseph during the seven years that Egypt will experience a bountiful harvest and then followed by times of scarcity during the next 7 years. To guard against famine is King Pharaoh followed the advice of the Prophet Joseph to give a part of the crop in the first 7 years as a reserve food during a famine.
Thus the period of 7 years of famine in Egypt people avoid the risk of severe famine that swept across the country.
In 2000 BC the merchants and actors in the Italian form collegia Tennirium, a kind of insurance agencies that aims to help the widows and orphans of members who died.
Similar associations are collegia Nititum, then stood with members of the slave who had been in the army of the Roman empire.
Each member collects a number of contributions and when one member had the misfortune (unfortunate) then the funeral expenses will be paid by members who fared well (Fortunate) using funds that had been collected previously.
Such association is one of the early emergence of the concept of insurance, namely those who are lucky or good fortune to help people who are not lucky.


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