Saturday, September 27, 2014 0 comments

Mount Banyak

 Mount Banyak is located in Songgokerto village, Batu district. Mount Banyak also has beautiful natural scenery. This mount is tourism object that being applied for unique sport called ‘Paralayang’ or ‘Gantole’ and down hill sport. Paralayang sport is free flying sport just like a bird. It is free natural sport. This sport is only done on hill and mountain. The athletes have to used wind to fly and enjoy the free air. The ordinary performed event or paralayang champion both international and national storey is often held in Mount Banyak.
Mount Banyak is facilitated with resting place and Paralayang bases. You will enjoy the beautiful nature scenery in Mount Banyak and also meet with some Paralayang athletes. If you interesting to try this sport, the guide will accompany you and feel the nature adventure here.


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