Business Opportunities - Motorcycle Wash

Friday, April 22, 2011 0 comments

In difficult times like now, everything around us will surely emerge a business opportunity if there is a strong will. Includes motor washing business. Eits! You should not underestimate this one business, the money will keep flowing because the customers who come will not 'break the chains eye'.

This business requires little capital and management is not complicated. Especially if you have a place of their own or in collaboration with the owner of the place through the sharing system.

Knowledge and skills needed :
1. Cleanliness standard motor and how to clean it.
2. Motor vehicle engine (not to because of ignorance, even engine damage due to exposed to water).
3. Simple bookkeeping, records concerning initial capital, monthly operational, and revenue.
4. Access to power can help clean up the motor. 
Capital required :
1. Place with an area of ​​at least 12 square meters for 2-3 motors.
2. Funding of about 5.000.000, -.
Capital required to purchase water pumps, compressors, and washing equipment, such as soap, shampoo motors, brush, duster, and lustres motorcycle paint. Capital is included for improvements where necessary and appropriate, such as faucets and drains.
3. Labor, 2-3 people, for washing motor (one doubles as the labor administration.)
If more and more service users who come, the amount of labor can be added.
Ways of doing business
1. Find a business location that many motor vehicles. Consider the competition and the environment that many people.
2. Find and train workers about the ways and standards of cleanliness in the wash to polish your motorcycle tires. Select workers who are willing to work hard and not lazy.
Their salaries are based on the number of motors that are washed. It can stimulate them to work harder and reduce the risk if the number of consumers little.
3. Train workers are ways to serve and connect with consumers.
4. Specify price washing motorcycles. Usually the price ranges from Rp. 4,500, - - Rp. 6.000, -. Pricing depends on the potential service user and service you offer. For example, increase with tire shine.
5. Administration of neat, that record every expenditure (electricity, water, salaries, fees residents) and income. Give a receipt to every customer who washed bike at your place.
Business opportunity that you can combine with this business

Surely you want this business to grow big instead? You can glance at another business that you can make one on this bike wash business, of course, which is still in line. Among them:
1. Sell ​​your motorcycle washing equipment, such as soap motor.
2. Selling motorcycle accessories, like helmets, stickers, and mirror lights.
3. Providing service oil change and other engine maintenance.
4. Sell ​​the second motor.
Even if you have more capital, you can add services to wash the car and its accessories


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